Welcome to the Woo Lab

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare and technology, our endeavor is not merely to traverse the burgeoning chasm that traditionally separates the domains of engineering and medical science but to construct a robust bridge that unites them. At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to leveraging the cutting-edge advancements in imaging and analysis, augmented significantly by the transformative power of machine learning. Our fascination doesn’t stop at the mere application of these technologies; it extends into the realm of computer vision and the intricate layers of both machine and deep learning techniques.

We find ourselves at a unique crossroads, driven by the potential to revolutionize the way clinical problems are approached and solved. Our focus is not generalized but sharply tailored towards tackling a spectrum of challenging clinical quandaries. Each project we undertake is a step forward in this grand fusion of disciplines, embodying our aspiration to bring about a new era in medical diagnostics and treatment. This pursuit is not just about technological innovation; it’s about shaping a future where the boundaries of what is medically possible are expanded through the seamless integration of engineering brilliance with medical insight.

We are a dynamic research group, located at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, home to the largest hospital-based imaging research program in the US.

We are grateful for funding from NIH, the Korean government, and industry partners.

We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team!


July, 2024

We have one paper accepted at IEEE NSS MIC RTSD conference 2024. Congrats!

June, 2024

We have one paper accepted at MICCAI 2024 (early acceptance). Congrats!

June, 2024

Prof. Woo serves as program committee at SPIE Medical Imaging 2025.

June, 2024

We have one paper accepted at Interspeech 2024. Congrats!

April 2024

Prof. Shin from Ewha Womans University joins our team as Visiting Faculty!

March 2024

We have one paper accepted at IEEE ISBI!

March 2024

Prof. Woo serves as Area Chair at MICCAI 2024!

March 2024

Dr. Xiaofeng Liu joined Yale University as a (tenure track) Assistant Professor! Congratulations!

October 2023

We have five papers accepted at SPIE Medical Imaging!

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